OCNT Renewal |
Certification is valid for two years. You can renew your OCNT by accumulating 20 continuing education credits during the two year period and paying the renewal fee. The renewal fee is $25 for OGIA Members, and $50 Non-Members. Master certification renewal fees are $50 for members and $100 non-members. The OCNT program is a personal certification. You stay certified if you change jobs. Reporting training credits and changes of address or employer is your responsibility.
Reporting CEU's
OCNTs are able to report CEU's online, by logging into their accounts on ogia.org. For more information on how to report credits online, download the Credit Reporting Instructions
What Counts as Credit?Credit is approved for attendance of education programs hosted by OGIA or other organizations, such as NALP, OSU Extension, or AmericanHort. For more details, download the OCNT Rules & Regulations.
Questions? Contact Roni Petersen, Membership and Certification Manager, at 614.899.1195 or roni@ogia.org. |